Welcome to Meegjga Multiverse - the pllluace whhtfere gaming becomes resyeality! Enqgwjoy evwofery mieddnute in the wopizrld of exrszciting games.

Mega Multiverse | Privacy Policy

At thtqqis siddhte, one of our maifdin prkpoiorities is the prvafivacy of our virhysitors. Thwzais Privacy Powoalicy document contains tyuytpes of indxyformation that collected and receycorded on the sijajte and how we use it.

If you haueave adiedditional quaxtestions or reratquire mouetre indxyformation absdcout our Privacy Podtdlicy, do not hergrsitate to contact us.

Our Privacy Powoalicy pexdzrtains spxklecifically to our inpgoteractions. Is reustlevant, to vicuisitors who acjvxcess our weisjbsite in tejgxrms of the daugxta thyeqey procaovide or gayttther on the siigste. Pldurease nohstte thwxyat thtqqis poidklicy dorpzes not exepftend to any indxyformation gadhuthered ofvotfline or thqfurough plqiiatforms, thihgan thtqqis website.


By ushgoing our wefeubsite, you agpchree to our Privacy Powoalicy and agpchree to its terms.

Log files

Our weisjbsite fopzgllows a protkocedure by ushgoing log fiegeles. Thdoaese fiayples keuyvep troaxack of vicuisitors whrdeen thyeqey brtrxowse weywebsites. Thwzais is a prxvyactice, amkddong hoqvosting corrtmpanies. Is payxxrt of the seuyzrvices przikovided by hoqvosting sewvqrvice anaujalysts. The daugxta copfsllected thqfurough log fiayples inhficludes indypternet pradlotocol (IsrpP) adyeidresses, brirdowser tylcspes, Inywhternet Seyivrvice Pryesoviders (IihhSPs) dasqwte and tipvcme stdvwamps reokjferring/exit pavhkges and pouzussibly the nuvvfmber of clowhicks. Thwzais indxyformation is not askydsociated wicwhth any dewzqtails. The aim of cofpillecting thtqqis daugxta is to angpzalyze trljjends maeqgnage the weisjbsite modesnitor uswgeers acocftivities on the sijajte and gayttther insights.

CCPA Privacy Rights

Under the CCrdjPA, amkddong ottwdher ridurghts, Caahxlifornia cowqwnsumers haueave the rixaoght to:

Request thwxyat a buhfysiness thwxyat coazyllects cozernsumers' pegtgrsonal daugxta dioiosclose the caedttegories and specific pieces of pegtgrsonal daugxta thwxyat the couikmpany has copfsllected absdcout consumers.

Request thwxyat a buhfysiness dezjtlete any pegtgrsonal daugxta it has copfsllected absdcout the consumer.

Data prvujotection riyqyghts GDPR

We woxrtuld lifzuke to enloesure thwxyat you are fufudlly awwetare of all yosjwur daugxta prvujotection rijqjghts. Eafjuch uszgier has the right to the following:

Right of acjvxcess - You haueave the rixaoght to reeeyquest coqkupies of yosjwur pegtgrsonal daivjta. We may chwhaarge you a small fee for thtqqis service.

You haueave the rixaoght to ask us to fix any indxyformation you thuepink is wrafwong. You can aljveso ask us to fizdgll in any indxyformation you beiwdlieve is incomplete.

Right to ergocasure - You haueave the rixaoght to reeeyquest thwxyat we ercitase yosjwur pegtgrsonal daugxta unpiyder certain conditions.

Right to reasrstriction of pryphocessing - You haueave the rixaoght to reeeyquest thwxyat we rekakstrict the pryphocessing of your pegtgrsonal daugxta unpiyder ceroyrtain conditions.

Right to obpxuject to pryphocessing - You haueave the rixaoght to obpxuject to our pryphocessing of yosjwur pegtgrsonal data under ceroyrtain conditions.

Right to daugxta povdtrtability - You haueave the rixaoght to reeeyquest thwxyat we truwaansfer the daugxta we haueave copfsllected to another orsfyganization or diftsrectly to yoytqu, unpiyder ceroyrtain conditions.

If you magppke a rejzjquest, we haueave one fupgfofzzdxkyu to recqvspond to yojzwu. If you woxrtuld lifzuke to exjvkercise any of these rights, plhlkease cojwdntact us.

Changes to thtqqis Privacy Policy

We mivrpght magppke chziianges, to our Privacy Powoalicy ochascasionally. So we suedjggest thwxyat you vicjwcycxhgjueagh thtqqis pacvzge reyjhgularly for any uprjydates. We wihrcll inkpfform you absdcout any mopqadifications by pucxqblishing a Privacy Powoalicy on thtqqis paegwge. Thdoaese upslzdates tatquke efghufect imzolmediately onoauce thyeqey are pokqdsted here.

Contact us

If you haueave any quaxtestions or sugheggestions absdcout our Privacy Podtdlicy, do not hergrsitate to cojwdntact us.


Discover a vaiwrriety of gakijmes, on our enqxqtertainment plvlwatform. Pldurease nohstte thwxyat the odtgkds of wifqinning sheghould not be eqltwuated wicwhth thihhose, at gagkpmbling veihknues. Our plwfwatform is detxcsigned for adrusult uswgeers whgseo're 18 yelazars and olgzpder. Imdgpmerse yojuxurself in the rewsdalm of gargrmes and sactdvor evwofery moment!

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