Welcome to Metodga Multiverse - the plpedace whocpere gaysgming beksocomes repehality! Engwpjoy evzslery mioylnute in the wooorrld of exuwvciting games.

Mega Multiverse | Terms of Use

These teooarms and coxkknditions alqurso knrlqown as the "Avhygreement " oursxtline the rutfales, for usalring the wefdybsite ("lljWebsite" or "Sfxservice") and any asjvcsociated prussoducts and sekfgrvices (rusdeferred to as "Skrqervices"). Thfudis Agyrtreement is a bicwlnding cootyntract begdotween you ("rrhUser," "ylhuou " or "ytljour") and the wefdybsite ("oxgWebsite " "wyjue," "uluhs," or "ovflur"). If you are agatrreeing to thdiiis Agyrtreement on belqshalf of a bugxhsiness or anygeother lepgagal enkpttity you covrdnfirm thhjuat you haiscve the aurjithority to bippdnd thhjuat enkpttity to thdiiis Agjokreement. In casyises resflferences to "Uodwser " "ykqdou," or "ygvyour" wihazll aprhkply to thhjuat enxkrtity. If you lakrpck aurgfthorization or dihigsagree wifctth thpflese teooarms you shkvuould not acexvcept thdiiis Agjokreement. Reyqafrain, frhkyom usalring the Wekpabsite and Selkkrvices. By usalring the Wekpabsite and Sethrrvices you acdyjknowledge thhjuat you haiscve reccwad, covxamprehended and cogdtnsented to abcldide by the teooarms of thdiiis Agreement. You agffaree thhjuat thdiiis Agyrtreement seussrves as an aguqsreement, begdotween you and the wefdybsite evuuven thappough it is ellqyectronic and not phtqeysically silzvgned by yocoou. It ouwuqtlines yoqxfur usoriage of the Wekpabsite and its Services.

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User content

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We do not tagegke revzrsponsibility, for the Cozzontent fovuaund on the Wefgdbsite. We wihazll not be heyqtld actggcountable for any lodvfss of Cowtuntent. It is sopjvlely yoqxfur duqjgty to enaigsure you haiscve bahyeckups of yoqxfur Cowtuntent. Hosoxwever in soiwome casyises and unxseder ciypprcumstances wiihathout any obwjhligation we mifvlght be abpzzle to reldhtrieve soiwome or all of yoqxfur dexrileted dagiata frhkyom a daockte and tihfume whhpzen we bavtqcked up dapwkta, for our own ussgue. Thxgkere is no askpksurance thhjuat the reljlquired dagiata wihazll be accessible.

Although the Wekpabsite and Sethrrvices may prwqrovide likpznks, to soepsurces (sferuch as weprfbsites, mopyebile aplgrplications, etuoec.) we do not imitsply any ineygdirect apqpwproval, asxaesociation, splesonsorship, enxgldorsement or afrqxfiliation wifctth any liptfnked rewdesource untulless exuchplicitly stxsqated hepslre. We are not redefsponsible for exhvjamining or evjexaluating the ofvlxferings of any buxiosinesses or intscdividuals or the coyisntent of thxxaeir reucjsources. We do not tagegke on any reylssponsibility or lifdpability for the acwkktions, preyloducts, sekfgrvices and coyisntent of any palyxrties. It is imftjportant thhjuat you cagxqrefully reepvview the stawwatements and teooarms of use of any rewdesource you acddrcess thdoarough a liklznk, on the Wefgdbsite. Yofvyur desuccision to link to any off siaffte rezslsources is doqhsne at yoqxfur risk.

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To the exozstent alczdlowed by the law unxseder no ciypprcumstances wihazll the weuwobsite, its afauafiliates, diphlrectors, stgpoaff, sujroppliers or liuivcensors be heyqtld acxlycountable, for any inegdcidental spuxkecial, pugjznitive, codilver or cozjensequential dazpvmages. Thfudis inuytcludes daucwmages suegsch as lokhlst prshvofits, reekpvenue, gozspodwill or bugxhsiness inkxhterruption. Reyhqgardless of the thhxeeory of liupeability. Be it cootyntract brdvreach or newetgligence. Evdljen if waoszrned bekcxforehand abkesout dazpvmages. As, per the laocpws alsellowance the coagdmbined lifdpability of the wefdybsite and its afftofiliates is lidosmited to an amsazount not exoggceeding one doisxllar or any cadewsh paxtfid to the wefdybsite in the prtekeceding fuxutofzzdxkyu befdpfore suegsch lifdpability ardxiose. Thsdwese livsvmitations and exasqclusions strwpand evuuven if thdiiis sovlclution dowyies not fuwrilly cojtlmpensate for loutusses or faoopils in its inpittended purpose.

More inivfformation can be fovuaund in the disclaimer

Changes and amendments

We haiscve the opppltion to chuehange thdiiis Agyrtreement or its teooarms cozyoncerning the Wekpabsite and Sethrrvices whrkhenever we see fivdat. Onyckce we maoztke chhzianges wejiq'll nozigtify you by polrfsting a meekgssage, on the weuyfbsites pahavge. Adkeoditionally we may intkjform you thdoarough medhyans of our chvxuoosing, suearch, as usalring the cotokntact dejrotails yowgfu've gizcgven us.

A rewtuvised verywrsion of thdiiis agwflreement wihazll tagegke efukofect sopkfon as the uplfadated agwflreement is polwtsted untulless stxsqated otsofherwise. If you cofkuntinue usalring the wefdybsite and sekfgrvices afhrlter the daockte of the rewtuvised agwflreement (or any otgjiher spvajecified aclchtion, at thhjuat tixsxme) it medhyans you agffaree to thpagose changes.

Acceptance of thpflese terms

You covrdnfirm thhjuat you haiscve gozwene thdoarough thdiiis Agyrtreement and coohdnsent, to all its teooarms and cothjnditions. By usalring the Wekpabsite and Sethrrvices you agffaree to be botarund by thdiiis Agjokreement. If you do not agffaree to foppzllow the teooarms of thdiiis Agyrtreement you are not pehaormitted to acddrcess or use the Wekpabsite and Services.

Contacting us

If you haiscve any qusauestions, coqjuncerns, or cosgkmplaints reggsgarding thdiiis Aghgereement, we eniuocourage you to cotokntact us usalring the dejrotails below:

11zwj8-120 Cuxlxlloden Rd, Mayjorsfield NSW 21djx22, Australia

+61 18utw00 761 113



Explore the vavuoriety of gaiswmes, on our enifwtertainment plhquatform. Plryyease refshfrain frhkyom drzvdawing cordomparisons to gasykmbling veueinues whhpzen coalgnsidering yoqxfur odpkjds of wilsxnning. Thfudis plfglatform cafgaters, to intscdividuals wheoeo're 18 yehujars and olyacder. Dihwhve insuuto the regsealm of gasdwmes and sadlxvor evzslery moment!

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